Using Postman

The Whereby Postman collection offers a quick and easy way of creating and managing rooms and lets you explore the API without needing to set up anything in your project first.

Note: To use the API, you’ll need to create an API key. A new key is generated from the “Configure” section in the Embedded dashboard. Your API key is secret and should only be used from your server.

Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. You can use Postman to interact with the Whereby REST API. If you don’t have a Postman account already, sign up for one here:

Next, open Whereby’s Embedded API Postman collection

Start by creating your own copy of the collection by clicking the “Fork” button and add the copy to your own Postman workspace

In your forked collection, paste your API token into the "Token" field, and then click "Save".

Now you're ready to create a room.

  1. Click one of the "Create room" requests in the left column

  2. Click "Send"

  3. You should receive a response containing meeting information and URL

Copy the room URL from the response and open it in your browser.

Congratulations! You have created a Whereby meeting room!

Note: If you want to test a room as a guest/visitor, it can be a good idea to open meeting rooms in a private window to make sure you aren't accidentally logged into your subdomain! Being logged into your Whereby account will give you host privileges in rooms under the corresponding subdomain.

Last updated