Whereby Embedded Feature Comparison

An exhaustive list of the features and capabilities available within our implementation options

✓ - capability available out of the box

✕ - currently not available

</> - achievable to some extent and/or with some development effort

Common features (for all participants)

Pre-built UI (Web Component)
React Hooks

Pre-call: enable cam/mic

Pre-call: room knocking

Pre-call: device and connectivity test

Own microphone on/off

Own camera on/off

Change camera

Change microphone

Change speaker

Background effects

Mirror self-view

Hide self-view


Dynamic grid layout

</> coming soon with grid layout component

Change video tile position

</> can be coded on the client side

Noise reduction on/off

HD video on/off

Widescreen video on/off

Low data mode on/off

Audio-only mode

coming soon

Reduce visual effects

Gesture recognition

beta (upon request)

Closed captions

coming soon

Remote volume control

Share screen (send/receive)

Multi-screen sharing

Chat: group messages

Chat: private messages

Chat: mention participant

Chat: replies

Raise hand

Emoji reactions

</> rendering of chat messages (incl. emojis) can be fully customised on the client side

Fullscreen view

</> can be built on the client side

Maximised view

</> can be built on the client side

Room timer

</> can be built on the client side


Edit display name

Co-location groups

upon request

Session quality analytics (live)

coming soon

Host features (for participants joining through host URL)

Pre-built UI (Web Component)
React Hooks

Let in / reject knocking guests

Message awaiting guests

Start / stop recording

Spotlight view

</> currently can be coded on the client side, but also coming soon with grid layout component

Ask to speak if raised hand

Remote microphone off

Remote camera off

Remove participant

End meeting for all

Breakout groups

Lock/unlock the room

Change room type (P2P↔︎SFU)

✕ room type is pre-defined upon room creation

✕ room type is pre-defined upon room creation

Browser notifications

Room setup, session handling and post-processing

Pre-built UI (Web Component)
React Hooks

Local recording: full scene

Cloud recording: full scene

✓ records the default pre-built UI view

Recording-based transcription

Session quality analytics

Last updated

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