With Webhooks you can set up user-defined callbacks triggered by meeting events. These are a great way to programmatically keep track of some of the events and actions happening around your meetings.
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Webhooks are managed from the "Configure" section of your account, so they need to be set up by an admin in your organization.
At the moment the following event types are supported:
room.client.joined - this is sent when a user joins the meeting room
room.client.left - this is sent when a user leaves the meeting room (this could be via the leave button or by closing the browser tab)
room.client.knocked- this is sent when a visitor knocks the meeting room from the waiting room
room.client.knockCancelled- this is sent when a visitor cancels their knock from the waiting room (this could be via the cancel button or a result of network issues)
room.session.started: Sent when a room session starts, which is when there are at least 2 users in a room.
room.session.ended: Sent when a room session ends. Currently, a session will end when the number of participants has been less than 2 for some time. This heuristic could change in the future to better determine that a session has ended.
transcription.started: Sent when a transcription has started.
transcription.finished: Sent when a transcription has finished processing.
transcription.failed: Sent when a transcription has failed to process.
recording.finished: Sent when a cloud recording has finished and the recording has uploaded successfully.
Event objects
Events are delivered to their corresponding webhook endpoint in JSON format, as the body of an HTTP request. The table below describes their top-level attributes.
String that uniquely identifies the event.
The Whereby API version used to populate data. Refer to the details on Versioning for how webhook data may change.
ISO representation of the creation date of the event.
The event’s type identifier, e.g. room.client.joined
Object containing information associated with the event.
In-Room Data properties
Please note that in-room webhook events are sent for interactions that happen between the creation of the room and an hour after the endDate of a room. Also consider that a particular event can be sent more than once, and that you could receive events in non-chronological order.
Properties in data that are common to all in-room webhook events:
The identifier of the meeting that the user has joined/left or where the session has started/ended.
The string that identifies the room assigned to the meeting. It’s the last path parameter of the roomUrl.
Additional properties in data for room.client.joined , room.client.left room.client.knocked and room.client.knockCancelled:
The visible name displayed to others in the meeting.
The roomSessionId for the meeting.
The current user's participantId. Can be used for insights data.
Properties in data that are common to all transcription webhook events:
The identifier of the transcription that has finished processing or failed to process.
The type of transcription, LIVE_TRANSCRIPTION for Session Transcription or RECORDING_TRANSCRIPTION for recording based transcription
Additional properties in data for just transcription.finished:
The identifier of the recording that the transcription is associated with.
The duration of the recording in seconds.
Additional properties in data for just transcription.failed:
The error message that describes why the transcription failed to process.
Cloud Recording Data properties
Properties in data for the recording.finished webhook event:
The name and extension of the recording.
The identifier of the recording.
The string that identifies the room assigned to the meeting.
The final status of the recording. It can be only completed for now.
Validating events
To prevent from man-in-the-middle attacks ↗ , webhook requests to your endpoint contain a signature in the Whereby-Signature header. This string is generated with a unique secret that only you can view when creating or editing a webhook in the Embedded dashboard. Only Whereby and you have access to this secret, and no third party can send forged events to your endpoint. On top of that the header also includes a timestamp to help you prevent replay attacks. The header is composed of a timestamp and the signature itself, for example:
To verify an event’s signature, follow these steps:
Extract the timestamp and signature by splitting the string on , then removing both t= and v1= from the resulting strings.
Prepare the signedPayload string by concatenating the timestamp (as a string), the character . and the JSON event object (the request body).
Calculate the HMAC: It is the SHA256 hash of signedPayload, using the endpoint’s signing secret (the one you get when creating the webhook) as the key.
Compare the signature from the header to the one you just generated. To protect yourself from timing attacks consider using a constant-time equality function instead of the default equality operator of the language you’re using. Finally, to prevent replay attacks, compare the header’s timestamp with the current one and decide if the elapsed time is within your allowed threshold.
An example of a webhook event validation:
import crypto from "crypto";
const MAX_ELAPSED_TIME = 1000 * 60; // 1 minutes in milliseconds
function isWebhookEventValid({ body, headers }) {
const wbSignature = headers["whereby-signature"];
const matches = wbSignature.matchAll(/t=(.*),v1=(.*)/gm);
let timestamp, signature;
for (const match of matches) {
timestamp = match[1];
signature = match[2];
const current = new Date();
const diffTime = current - parseInt(timestamp * 1000, 10);
const signedPayload = timestamp + "." + JSON.stringify(body);
const sha256Hasher = crypto.createHmac("sha256", WEBHOOK_SECRET);
const hash = sha256Hasher.update(signedPayload);
const hashStr = hash.digest("hex");
return (
Buffer.from(hashStr, "utf-8"),
Buffer.from(signature, "utf-8")
) && diffTime < Whereby.MAX_ELAPSED_TIME
Failed delivery
Any 5xx response to the webhook delivery request will trigger a retry, for a total of 2 retries. A short exponential backoff will be used. We also have a 5 seconds timeout on webhook requests, if the response takes longer than that the same retry mechanism will be used.
Visit the "Configure" section of your Whereby Embedded account dashboard and scroll down to find the Webhooks setup.